Steam technology

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Pressure & Over Pressure Control System, Digital control Panel With LED, Wac(or Detergent)At The Same Time, One Touch Hose Connection System, Mini Hi-Power Pump(Macimum Flow : 3.5ℓ/Min), The Buikt In Specialized Steam Generator With 3 Pass-Way Mode
Steam Technology
A built-in boiler is injected with water running out of a tank and heats the water to generate high temperature and high-pressure steam through a cooper pipe. This generated steam is exhausted through the nozzle to clean dust deposited on the surface of a vehicle. When these are exposed to steam, they rise from the surface, and at this time, it is possible to wipe them off without any scratch on the surface.
The core of the steam technology is how long this high-pressure steam can be generated continuously. Once you turn on our product and pass preheating time until the steam starts, it generates steam continuously without delay until you turn it off after it completes all the work. This merit allows more car washing and obtains advantages such as economic efficiency and rapidness.
Its body is made of stainless steel, which does not damage the environment even if used outdoors or indoors. Moreover, it is equipped with a high-pressure and high-temperature built-in boiler, so firmness is one of its most important factors.
Because it works with a high-pressure stream, safety problem should be noticed. Therefore, our company paid a lot of attention to safety devices for high temperature and high pressure, including a breaker for prevention of excessively high pressure, circuit breaker, and hose cover to prevent burns from a hot steam hose; these reliable safety utilities remove the risks in operating our products.
When observing basic safety guidelines, anybody can wash a car easily. Moreover, a simplified control panel allows easy control and convenient understanding of product operation. In addition, our products can be maintained conveniently. Therefore, even after repair, they can be used again with only an exchange of corresponding parts.